可爱的roland yap教授,我们的OS fundation老师,也是我最痛苦,也最担心挂掉的一门。今天收到他的邮件,那种特有的风趣跃然纸上,我只能想到一句话能够形容他“一个脱离低级趣味的人…”

关于他,在课堂还发生了许多关于他的趣事,等我有空好好整理整理。下面是他发给我们的邮件: I hoped students have enjoyed the course. There is quite a bit of work but as they say: no pain, no gain. Do remember that the usefulness may manifest itself later rather than right now, though, it might still be handy for those doing QE to start thinking of system issues in a holistic way. The course page will probably go down sometime in mid May. You might also want to save the HD video which is quite nice. I forgot where I found it from.

PS. Best of luck for those doing exams.

Cheers, Roland

突然发现他与我大学时代的OS老师有一种天然的亲近,难道在这个领域探索的人都有某种特别的气质?No pain, no gain,心理欣慰了许多,很多我们目前觉得索然无味的东西,也许在不久的将来你将会发现他的奇妙之处。安静下来,沉淀的不止是你自己,还有那颗飘然跃动的心。


Best luck to my exams, cheers~~~