但凡在新加坡混,衣食住行都会附加一个叫GST (Good and Service Tax)的税,怎么来的就不说了,说的是它从最初的3%涨到现在的7%。政府的口号是劫富济贫,因为有钱人花得多,也不在乎这点小钱;没钱的人就精打细算,细水长流了。一项统计:外国人与40%的高收入家庭在2010年贡献了84.2%的GST税收。什么?没听错吧,是的,外国人,一个小小的樟宜机场,去年游客超过1100万。看这油水捞的,政府还算讲点道德,推出了一个Tax Free计划,所以来新加坡玩的兄弟姐妹们,干退税这事可千万别手软。


  1. 不管你买什么,先问能不能退税(吃住是不退税的)
  2. 能退,要店员开退税单(单店金额超过100SGD)
  3. 机场回国时,大件要托运的,先去退税再托运;小件上机的,可以过了海关在里面退


Am I eligible for refund?

To be eligible for GST refund, you must be a tourist. You have to meet the following criteria:

  • you are not a Singapore citizen or permanent resident;
  • you spend 365 days or less in Singapore in the last 24 months before the date of purchase;
  • you have not been, at any time, employed in Singapore 6 months before the date of purchase;
  • you are not a member of the cabin or flight crew of the aircraft on which you are departing from Singapore; and
  • you are 16 years of age or above at the time of purchase.

If you are a student pass holder, you are eligible for GST refund if you purchase the goods not more than 4 months before the expiry of your student pass.  However, you must satisfy all the criteria above and intend to depart and remain outside Singapore for a minimum of 12 months.


  1. 你要新加坡人或者永久居民就想都不要想
  2. 你在新加坡晃了超过365天也不用想了
  3. 你有工作签,对墙哭去吧
  4. 你是空姐,这点小钱你还在乎?
  5. 你未满16岁,叫你爸上


撇开以上几点,经过实践证明的是,如果你拿的DP(Dependant Pass),是可以享受退税的。凡是购物超过100SGD,都可以问问店员有没有Tax free(GST Refund)的退税单