
三个月前订的机票,昨天才想起。因为昨天和来自越南的T吃意面;期间问她平时回家how much,200SGD吧….开始打问号,200 SGD?我买60 SGD全包。笑到爆,本没想着去,心里惦记着计划不如变化快,比如不久前废掉一张去巴厘岛的机票,再不久以前废掉去菲律宾公主港的机票。废了就废了,廉价航空就是这样掉你的胃口,不让你提前个大半年铁心买票,也不会给你如此的促销,嗯嗯,那张巴厘岛往返新加坡才30 SGD,车牛水打个牙祭就没有了。

好吧,说回胡志明;越南的机票如此便宜,可签证费一打听都要75 SGD,还只能早上去办。这个,得,明天去热热身。本不想做什么计划,苟且做个计划吧。貌似3天不够,1万年不长,呵呵,这话还是留着回来后再说吧。现在不流行LP了,上次去迪拜,还从APP上搞下一个LP Dubai,到了以后真的见识了什么是在沙漠上建高楼,建了就建了,也就仅此而已,现在流行wikitravel,享受一下云服务吧。

听T聊过河内到胡志明 做大巴都要一整天,那么飞机还是首选,国际机场200米开外是国内机场,而胡志明市有直飞法国的航班。呵呵,想当年法国还invade了越南,而打越战的时候N多人逃难去了法国。以至于我在巴黎街头闲逛,除了咱天朝伟大的中餐馆,越南米粉也是遍地开花。在巴黎,我不敢进中餐馆,怕随便几个菜几十欧把我干个精光,而越南河粉就亲密了许多。看过一期U频道的虾仁水晶绞与鱼露介绍,除了让我大流口水,那特别的味道也让我食欲暴增。YA,想起NUS Biz canteen的越南虾饺,好久没有去开荤了。扯远了,后来友人告诉我现在巴黎的许多中餐馆都是越南人开的,反正亚裔,法国脑袋也认不出;我有点好奇,那那些中国人跑哪去了?嘿嘿,他们现在都去开寿司店去了……


机场->市区: No. 152 air-conditioned airport bus (4000 盾)

下落点:范五老街(Pham Ngu Lao area),汽车总站滨城市场(Ben Thanh Market)


等等,一查机票,发现到达时间已经过6点了,这该死的廉价航空,又爱又恨… 打车去离境大厅(上电梯),找叫Vinasun或Mai Linh 的出租车Vinasun (white with green and red lettering) and Mai Linh (mostly white with green lettering, though occasionally green or silver.) taxi stand at right-end terminal. 从机场到市区district 1 (downtown), 打表大约100,000 vnd 盾(大约5美金) 另收5,000 盾手续费。


在范老五街110,000 盾可以租到100-110cc的摩托车


1sgd=16,000 dong locally?

1 = 16826.19 Dong

1 = 0.8 USD




Running along Phan Ngu Lao Street are a number of parks which fill up with locals before sunset, after work. They play a variety of games which you can participate in: bkuactton, kicking a shuttlecock and women group aerobics (to music) are all very popular and great to watch. If you sit down by yourself in the open area near the Ben Thanh market a number of young university age locals will come and ask to practice English with you, this is a great way to spend an evening and the best way to meet intelligent interesting youth, they will question you either individually or in groups and share with you a lot about their country.

Co-op Mart Supermarkets

Contemporary Art Galerie Quynh, 65 De Tham St., District 1, HCMC (between Co Bac and Co Giang), ☎ +84 8 3836 801. Hours: 10AM-6PM, Tues-Sat. www.galeriequynh.com. Galerie Quynh is a serious contemporary art gallery located in District 1 in Ho Chi Minh City.

Ipa-Nima (No. 8, Nguyen Trung Truc Street, District 1) for a stunning and more affordable collection ([www.ipa-nima.com][2])


The local food shows influences from French colonial times – bakeries have fresh and excellent baguettes, which they will fill with cheese (typically of the “la vache qui rit” or “laughing cow” brand), potted meat, ham, and onions, or any combination thereof, cheaply. Beef is used in various dishes – whether in any of the many variations of pho, or in a regional specialty such as “bun bo Hue” or Hue beef soup. Be sure to try, aside from pho, dishes such as the above-mentioned Hue beef soup, or “banh xeo” aka. Vietnamese pancakes, consisting of a delicious filling of your choice (various options included bamboo shoots and enoki mushrooms, along with meat, prawns, or both) in a crispy outer crepe-like casing.

Local food at bargain prices is very easy to find in Saigon. Banh Mi Thit (Pork rolls) can be had for 13,000VND. Com Suon, a plate of rice with grilled pork and a bit of vegetables is 18,000 dong. Bubble tea is 8.000 dong.

Vietnamese offee, sinh to (Vietnamese milk shake) or eating ice cream.

Dong Ba, 110A Nguyen Du, Dist 1. This is a shop that sells [Hue][3] Food including Hue beef noodles and traditional banh beo rice cakes.

Pao restaurant & caffe, 158 Bui Vien, Dist 1. This restaurant is just open on May 2009 but very unique decor with all small instruments, traditional dress, hats, of the minority ethnic group in North of Vietnam. Truly Vietnamese food like spring rolls, hot pot, pho, 35,000-60,000 dong. They have a live Vietnamese instrument show on every Friday, Sunday.

Pho 24, Clean modern chain found everywhere in Ho Chi Minh City. Excellent beef noodle soup, very cheap.

BanhMiBistro, 76 Vo Thi Sau, District 1, across from Le Van Tam park. [[17]][4] Great fresh gourmet sandwiches, especially the famous Vietnamese “Banh Mi”. Bread is baked fresh in the store. There are 3 other outlets around town.

Vietnam is the worlds second largest exporter of coffee behind Brazil, and cà phê is very popular among the Vietnamese. It’s a paradise for coffee-loving visitors. The local style is strong and sweet; key words to remember are: sữa (sweetened condensed milk), đá (ice), and nóng (hot, pronounced “nowm”). Cà phê đá is strong, sweet iced coffee; and cà phê sữa đá is the same with condensed milk. Cà phê (sữa) nóng is brewed fresh on your table brewed in a little metal apparatus placed over a cup; just lift it off when it has cooled enough to touch (and hence drink). Prices range from 10,000 to 20,000 dong for coffee in the local style.